I am just basically going to talk about being a father of 2, working in the ever unfullfilling IT industry, trying to make ends meet and why life is too hard while being great..... make sense?

I typed up that vehement blog on Thursday, took a long weekend with my boys and my wife and I came back refreshed.
Work may suck, but that is because it shouldn¡¦t be the center of your life. With all my studying, extra work, and taking on loads that aren¡¦t mine, I was living to work instead of working to live. The last weekend I played baseball with my eldest hung out and kidded around with my youngest, (missed a great chance to go fishing) but it was ok, we went to a Mariner¡¦s game instead.
All that said and done I came to work Monday and it all fell into place. This is where I go to pay the bills, and my life starts when I get out of my car at home, Life is what I get from my Wife, my amazing boys and (hopefully) what I am making sure to give back to them.
Life is soccer in the rain, and baseball in the backyard,
Life is holding your son when he skins his knee,
Life is feeling your wife (or husband) next to you in bed,
Life is what happens after work and before sleep,
Life is a backyard barbecue and an empty six pack of beer
Life is sweet, sour, spicy and bland,

A friend recently died and going to his memorial smacked me in the face with how short time this life maybe,
I need to worry how my sons remember me as a Dad, how my wife remembvers me as a husband and my friends remember me as their frend.

Why would I allow work to cause me to bring home a sour puss and a bad attitude?
Why would I let it bother me if I am stuck here?
I can just get a new job in a new company and stop thinking I need to make a career out of this place, geez!
When did I turn in to grumpy old man and stop being my young self?
There are a thousand views to every situation, why in the world would we let ourselves beleive that the company owns us?

Life is when you call in ¡§sick (cough cough) if you couldn¡¦t get your sons soccer game off

Well no need wasting my time here, if I am too sick to work, I better go to his game!

Live well!

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